Managing common pet skin issues

Managing common pet skin issues

With allergic skin and ear problems being one of the most common issues we see pets for, our team would love to impart our top tips for home management of allergy symptoms. Additionally, we’ll give some guidance on when it’s recommended for a pet to see our...
Dental care at home and in the clinic

Dental care at home and in the clinic

Do you know why staying on top of your pet’s dental hygiene is so important? Without regular, effective cleaning measures, your pet’s teeth will naturally accumulate plaque, a sticky bacteria-laden film. After just a few days, untreated plaque starts to harden to a...
Common things occur commonly!

Common things occur commonly!

Gut upset is one of the most common health problems that we see in our animal patients. Therefore, we’d love to put canine gastrointestinal problems under the microscope and identify three of the top causes of acute (sudden) gut upset in dogs. What are the most common...
Saving your pet: A basic guide to resuscitation

Saving your pet: A basic guide to resuscitation

If your pet ever suffers a serious illness or injury, you may have to consent to veterinary resuscitation procedures being performed on them. This can understandably feel overwhelming, particularly in an already stressful and upsetting situation. We’d therefore like...